Cover issue at the Sensors Journal

Cover issue at the Sensors Journal

Cover issue at the Sensors Journal of the article “Underwater Energy Harvesting to Extend Operation Time of Submersible Sensors”.

Cover Story: To obtain the vital signs of the planet and global climate change, constant information from different locations is crucial, and for that, low-cost sensors with high energy autonomy are essential in the ocean. Additionally, submerged sensors are extremely important to acquire and analyze real-time data and in this way help to make the most appropriate decisions and choices without comprising the environment and humankind.
The autonomy of submerged sensors located in the oceans should be increased, as it is imperative to minimize battery replacement due to the undesirable logistics and high cost associated.
The minimum amount of energy needed for the sensors and the correct use of energy management make it essential to develop and optimize submersible energy-harvesting devices based on a linear electromagnetic generator.
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